
  • A.A. Gulakhmadov Institute of Water Problems of Hydropower and Ecology AN of Tajikistan
  • Asror Akhmedovich Mustafakulov Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
  • Sharof Musayev Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
  • Khadicha Mukhtarovna Abduraimova Jizzakh polytechnic institute


quartz, luminescence center, autolocalized exciton, seed, radiation, neutron, gamma irradiation, spectrum, luminescence, band


The structures and radiation-optical characteristics of quartz crystals expressed on neutron-irradiated primers using the EPR spectroscopy method were studied.


Author Biographies

A.A. Gulakhmadov, Institute of Water Problems of Hydropower and Ecology AN of Tajikistan

Associate Professor


Asror Akhmedovich Mustafakulov, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

Department of Physics, Physics and Mathematics Candidate sciences, Associate Professor


Sharof Musayev, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

Associate Professor


Khadicha Mukhtarovna Abduraimova, Jizzakh polytechnic institute

2nd year student of the Faculty of Energy



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